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Cayton Children’s Museum lobby



Community Programs

The Cayton Children’s Museum believes that all families in LA County should have access to play. We offer a unique variety of creative and interactive programs beyond our walls and throughout our community. Partnering with local organizations, schools, and community events the Cayton provides opportunities for children and their families to participate in active, artistic, and purposeful play.


Cayton Creativity Kit Program

This “quarantine-era” born program is designed to make Cayton’s signature brand of process-based art making, DIY, for families at home or in the classroom.  Kits are assembled quarterly by volunteer crews of Cayton Children’s Museum member
families and supplied to partner organizations that support children and their families through client drop-in or otherwise transient programs. These DIY kits are then distributed at community resource events, homeless shelters, to clinical behavioral therapists, public school art festivals, community arts & literacy events.



Cayton-on-the-Go is a mobile museum program created to bring the arts to children and families in our local community who may not have ready access to the museum. We partner with nonprofit and community-based organizations across LA County to host creativity free workshops for children (ages 2–8) and families enrolled in or receiving their services. Through interactive storytelling, music, movement games, and process-based artmaking, our workshops encourage children to grow from Cayton’s core principle of “playing our way to a better world.” And because inclusion is at the heart of everything the Cayton does, our Cayton-on-the-Go projects can be enjoyed by a wide range of ages and abilities, empowering little ones to work independently or in cooperation with their grown-ups. 

Sensory Sensitvity

Sensory Sundays

On Sunday, February 26 the Cayton will begin hosting our quarterly Sensory Sunday event. This event is designed for community organizations that support families of children with diverse abilities and special needs. The Cayton invites these organizations to Sensory Sundays which caters to sensory sensitivity and other special needs that can make the museum a more personable experience for all.



The Cayton loves engaging and interacting with families in our community at local
events and activities. We bring our creative activities to tables at a variety of events including: Locals Night on the Santa Monia Pier, WIN’s Back to Preschool Event, Santa Monica Arts and Literacy Festival, and the Venice Art Walk.



Thank you to the Cayton Children’s Museum Community Programs supporters:

Cayton community programs is made possible by The Institute of Museum and Library Services

Cayton community programs are supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture.


Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the FAQ page HERE

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